Microblading | Brows

Burke | Ramos Client - Microblading

What is Microblading

Microblading is a semi-permanent cosmetic tattooing technique aimed at creating fuller, natural-looking eyebrows. By using a fine blade to deposit pigments into the upper layers of the skin, it meticulously mimics the look of real eyebrow hairs, enhancing shape and fullness. This method is highly beneficial for those looking to redefine their brows, fill in gaps, or compensate for thinning hair due to age or medical conditions. Besides offering a long-lasting solution that may last up to 18 months, microblading saves individuals considerable time and effort in daily makeup routines, ensuring perfectly shaped eyebrows with minimal maintenance. Imagine waking up without the need to fill in your brows with powder or pencils. Microblading could make this dream a reality for you.

Initial Treatment
Includes a complimentary touch-up within 6
weeks of initial treatment.


Yearly touch-up


(if needed, to be determined at appointment)


**This treatment requires a consultation before booking, to ensure this is the right treatment for your needs.

Before & After Results

Included in Initial Treatment

  • Detailed consultation on expectations, safety, and color matching

  • detailed mapping and design of your brows

  • Microblading

  • Detailed education on maintenance

  • Take home healing gel and detailed instructions on post car routine